Mike Milano

Account Executive | Eifert, French & Ketchum (EFK) Insurance & Risk Mgt

President | Briarcliff Manor Chamber of Commerce

When facing a potential loss, theft or accident, how many people discover that they are not adequately covered or do not have an advocate in the claims process? When something happens, we have already taken the time to craft insurance plans based on each client’s individual needs and situation.

Getting started with us is simple: we’ll ask about the new client’s mindset, family and needs, and use our insurance expertise to build a customized Coverage that will provide the protection needed at a reasonable cost. For many of our customers, it’s the first time anyone has gone through policies line by line. We provide a welcoming environment and make the process of having insurance easy and approachable.

I have close ties to the local community. I grew up in Mahopac and have live and worked since then in Westchester.

After being a struck by a car as a pedestrian in a 2010, I realized how vital it can be to have the proper insurance counsel and benefits. This experience drove my passion for opening and then growing a successful agency. I have always been an over-achiever, and now that means being available for clients at odd hours when they face difficult circumstances.

If you or your clients want to learn more about making the process of insurance simpler and less stressful, give me a call and let me buy you a coffee.